New England Aeronautics, Incorporated

Piper Archer: $200.00 / Hour (Fuel included)
Piper Cherokee 180: $185.00 / Hour (Fuel included)
Piper Cherokee 140: $175.00 / Hour (Fuel included)
Instructor: $85.00 / Hour
Flight Training
Student Pilots
Learning to fly is a fun and exciting endeavor culminating in one's ability to visualize and enjoy the world in a very unique way. If you have ever considered learning to fly, or are just curious and want more information, feel free to contact me. I am more than happy to explain the flight training process and answer any questions you may have.
Certified Pilots
If you are a certified pilot considering working on a new certificate, instrument rating or would simply like to work on regaining your proficiency, I can help. I am available to instruct in your aircraft as well as my Piper Archer, Cherokee 180 and Cherokee 140 that are equipped to accommodate primary, intermediate and advanced flight instruction in VFR and IFR operations.
About The Airport
Located approximately 30 minutes North of Boston, Nashua airport offers VFR and IFR pilots a safe and friendly environment to operate. Runway 14-32 is 6,000 feet in length and 100 feet wide and has FAA approved instrument approaches that can accommodate instrument pilots of all levels, including low IFR operations. Control tower operations are from 7 AM to 9 PM daily and pilot controlled lighting is available for night operations when the control tower is closed.
The Mid Field Cafe is located near the base of the control tower and open from 7 AM - 5 PM daily.
Fuel, maintenance and other services are available from FBOs and maintenance facilities located at the airport.
Aircraft Rental
Enjoy flying my IFR equipped and certified Piper Archer, Cherokee 180 and Cherokee 140.
The Piper Archer is equipped with a Garmin touch-screen GTN 750 xi WAAS GPS, ADS-B (in & out), Aspen E5, Dual navigation & communications radios and autopilot.
The Cherokee 180 is similarly equipped with a WAAS GNS430, Aspen E5, two-axis autopilot, CGR-30P and Garmin Aera 796 yoke mount GPS that is always current for VFR & IFR operations.
The Piper Cherokee 140 is similarly equipped as well with a hard-wired, yoke mounted Garmin Aera 760 GPS navigator that is always current for VFR & IFR operations.
These aircraft are meticulously maintained by Leland Aero Service, located at the Nashua airport and are in excellent condition. Completion of a comprehensive checkout and possession of a valid medical and F.A.A. private pilot certificate or higher are required prior to renting any of these airplanes. Student pilots are allowed to rent and fly these airplanes solo only after receiving comprehensive flight and ground instruction so as to ensure safety while acting as pilot-in-command.

My name is John Nutt. I am actively a full time certified flight instructor teaching in the Southern New Hampshire and Greater Boston area. My flight instructing career began more than thirty years ago and I have since provided more than 23,000 hours of flight instruction. I continue to teach primary, intermediate and advanced students in aircraft such as non-complex light trainers as well as complex and high performance single and multi-engine airplanes. Throughout the years, I have had, and continue to have, the pleasure of working with individuals with diverse backgrounds. Consequently, I have developed and refined my teaching methods so as to effectively meet the needs of all my students, while helping them maximize their potential as pilots. I always welcome the opportunity to work with new people and enthusiastically strive to meet any and all challenges that come along with the teaching and learning process.
I have an impeccable FAA record with no incidents and or accidents and still, after all these years, I very much enjoy doing what I do.